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Frequently asked questions

Our training and consultancy packages:

  • are delivered by experienced senior school leaders, school inspectors and educational experts
  • can be tailored to your school or setting
  • support whole school or department improvement
  • develop an internal capacity to improve
  • are supported by comprehensive materials
  • can be hosted by your school, Teaching School, Federation or Local Authority, which enables you to cover your costs and generate income for your organisation

Where does the training take place?

As the client, you will provide the venue – our pool of trainers can deliver courses nationally and internationally.

Can I attend an already-scheduled training event?

Many of our clients will accept ‘external’ delegates onto their courses – if you are unable to host your own event, please get in touch and we can let you know where the nearest event is.

How much does the training cost?

We charge a reasonable fee per delegate, per day. If you are hosting the event, you can add your venue, catering and any additional costs on top of the fee we charge, and generate profit for your organisation. Our fees are dependent on the course and discounts are available for large groups (over 30) and repeat business, so please get in touch to find out more.

How many attendees do I need to recruit if I want to host a course?

Our minimum numbers are 10 for each course. We have no maximum number however, please do get in touch if you want CPD for very large groups or for INSET.

Are the trainers and associates current practitioners?

All of our trainers are experienced school inspectors and have a wealth of school senior leadership experience and expertise. We also have a number of headteachers of Outstanding schools who work along side us.

How will you market the course?

We can provide detailed marketing collateral, featuring your logo, contact details, price and venue.

What if I have little experience in administrating events?

We are here to support you every step of the way – our fee includes the trainer and all materials used during the events, and we are always available to answer any questions.

Do you provide other training courses or specialised consultancy?

We can provide bespoke courses tailored to your requirements. Our pool of associates means that we can usually meet your training and CPD needs, so if you have a particular requirement please get in touch.